Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Roofing options that aren't harmful to nature

Green roofing to residential roofing

It is important that green roofing doesn’t imply roofs with beautiful flowers and gardens on top of them but something completely different. Roofs are one of the greatest producers of the greenhouse effect. Most roofing materials reflect sunlight and heat, and return it back to atmosphere and in cities it can lead to heat islands. But from causing damage to the atmosphere, sun on a poor roofing material can cause damage to the interior as well, heat can get in through cracks on the roof which means higher cooling bills during the summer months. So if you are interested in an eco approach today we are going to present some green roofing solutions.


Clay tiles are being used as a roofing material for centuries. It has a longer life span than most roofing materials out there. Their curved design help with attic ventilation and natural ingredients help the environment big time. Also they come in bright colors, so they don’t reflect heat as much as the rest of the materials.

Shakes and shingles

Most popular roofing materials in the United States by far. In most cases they aren’t a cool material, but if done and installed properly they can be pretty efficient at cooling your home and keeping energy bills at bay.

Green Roof

While it sounds ridiculous, only thing you need to get a green roof is some soil, planters and plants which you like. But first make sure that your roof is sealed tight. It might be an ideal concept with only negative sides being the cost, installation and maintenance. Firstly you need to inspect your roof and figure out how much extra weight your roof can handle before continuing. One of the many pros are lower heating and cooling bills, preserving energy and nature. And you are helping the bigger picture as well by lowering heat effect of urban heat islands. 

Of course not everyone wants a green roof or can afford one but at least now you have a few options to think about. You aren’t just helping yourself but also Mother Nature. Maybe green roof is a costly investment but after a few years it will pay off by itself. Don’t hesitate to inform yourself even more about eco friendly roofing options at your local roofing contractor in Houston, TX area.

Anchor Roofing, Inc.
3511 Bering Dr.
Houston , TX 77057
Phone: (713) 266-2777
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM Payment Method: All Major Credit Cards and Checks

Clay as a Roofing Material

Advantages of a clay roofing system

The kind of roofing material to go for is certainly an important choice for each mortgage holder, whether they are introducing another rooftop or supplanting an old one. A few things to put into thought: rooftop sturdiness, expanded home resale esteem, imperviousness to fire, vitality productivity, and simplicity of support. You additionally need to calculate individual inclination likewise becomes an integral factor. So why should you decide on a clay rooftop?


Colors, particularly when all around coordinated, enhance the stylish magnificence of the home. Clay tiles have an assortment of colors, running from shades of yellow, chestnut, white, and orange. Terra-cotta is the most mainstream dirt shading. Adding finishes to earth tiles brings about any shade of rooftop tiles. High furnace temperatures tie the veneer to the earth so it doesn't blur or peel. There is a variety of dirt tile profiles, completes, styles, and hues. Clay tiles will probably coordinate with your outside colors.
Since clay tiles look like slate, wood, and conventional barrel style, they tend to coordinate distinctive structural plans. Dirt keeps up its shading for a long time. Clay tiles are additionally accessible in a few shapes. This gives your rooftop's engineering a one of a kind look.

Home resale esteem

With clay rooftops, properties get higher credits on examinations. Properties additionally offer quicker, and at higher costs, when contrasted with other roofing materials like black-top shingles. The rooftop's strength and style make your property more important.


Dirt rooftop tiles are named Class A with respect to imperviousness to fire. They have an additional layer of inherent assurance. The tiles have an external shell that is water shedding and intense. The underlayment capacities as an additional shield. Clay tiles can oppose harm from hailstones that are large as 2". Every one of these variables add to dirt roofing toughness. Is it a marvel then that clay rooftops can even most recent 100 years? Clay does not contract and extend as indicated by the warm cycle, another element that enhances toughness.

Ecological amicable

Clay rooftops don't drain normal assets. There are no substance additives utilized as a part of creation.
Vitality costs
Earth rooftops have common air ventilation underneath. This makes a warmth exchange obstruction, making your home cooler in the late spring, and hotter in the winter. Clay roofing likewise has intelligent properties. This builds warming and cooling systems productivity.

Establishment and support

Clay rooftops are anything but difficult to install, particularly where you procure respectable roofing experts. Eventually, establishment and upkeep will cost you a great deal less when contrasted with different sorts of roofing materials.

Simplicity of repair

Clay tile rooftops are anything but difficult to repair since every tile is introduced exclusively.


Clay rooftops are not inclined to shape, erosion, or decay. The roofing system has a cover interfacing tiles on either side, and in addition above and beneath, guaranteeing that dampness can't leak between the tiles. It is likewise not harmed by creepy crawlies.

All things considered

As should be obvious, earth rooftops have heap benefits. They might be an all the more expensive choice, however every one of the points of interest are something to consider. In the event that you are thinking about supplanting your roofing system or on the off chance that you simply have any sort of inquiry, don't hesitate to contact your trusted local roofing contractor. We are here for you and your rooftop.

Anchor Roofing, Inc.
3511 Bering Dr.
Houston , TX 77057
Phone: (713) 266-2777
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM Payment Method: All Major Credit Cards and Checks

Monday, September 26, 2016

Driving Directions to Anchor Roofing in Houston, TX

Now you can find us without breaking a sweat! 

Driving directions


Anchor Roofing, Inc.
3511 Bering Dr.
Houston , TX 77057
Phone: (713) 266-2777
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM Payment Method: All Major Credit Cards and Checks